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Home, Sweet, Home

We made it! Bogotá was amazing! We were able to go and see many different parts of the city like the Colegio Americano de Bogotá, US Embassy, the National Museum (which was a prison that was converted to a museum in the 40's. So cool!), Monserrat (the beautiful church and view in a lot of my images), and we just got to walk and explore. Bogotá was awesome and Barranquilla is equally as amazing! Love being on the coast experiencing the vibrancy of coastal life Colombian style. Here the people are beautiful and the food is GREAT! I recommend the Arepa con huevo if you make it down here one day. We were able to visit two groups of displaced campesinos who shared their homes and food with us as they discussed the extent of the land that they recently acquired (while some still had not been able to obtain land for their family's) and the number of rights that Colombians are entitled to per the government. On Saturday, we made our way down to Urabá. Settling into our placements here has been interesting! We are busy meeting new people and touring our new homes/worksites.This year I will be working at the Colegio Americano de Apartadó and I am beyond excited to find new interactive ways to help the professores teach English here! Hitting up Pinterest!

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