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Retreat and Adjust

At the end of April I had the amazing opportunity to join the professionals from the PCUSA office in Louisville, the Peru YAVs, Mission Co-workers and people from Cedar Kirk Camp outside of Lima for the Latin American & Caribbean Gathering that only happens every four years. At this conference I met so many amazing and inspirational people. They inspired me not only because of the work they are doing but because of their impressive awareness and knowledge of the world. It was so uplifting to be able to partake in this gathering with them and have time to reflect on the work we are each doing in our specific locations. We began the day with morning reflections with the most perfect couple, Janine and David Wiseman. The theme for our reflections was "finding our center." Our activities ranged from art, to written reflection, to prompted group conversation. This time of reflection, was personally very helpful in the sense that it helped me pinpoint the themes that I have encountered in myself and in my year here in Colombia such as self-esteem. After a much needed afternoon nap, we had more specific meetings or vespers presented by mission co-workers sharing their work and helpful information about programs or tactics that could be used in the field. I was able to learn more about the church’s methods of educating communities about gender violence, healthy boundaries with partners in mission, Presbyterian Women, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, Presbyterian Hunger Program and many other extremely intriguing topics. It was also so nice to be able to talk to the YAVs that are in Peru and share stories. I was able to relate many experiences of culture shock and adjustment to those of the other volunteers. We hung out and just listened to eachother/mission co-workers. It was so nice because everyone at this conference understood what I have been going through this year. One of my favorite things we did together was lead energizers during a few of the morning worships for the whole group! It was very fun to see everyone up and dancing to some classic Montreat energizers.

On our free day I joined the Walking Wanderers tour led by Rusty, a Peru mission co-worker. We visited Lima ruins in the middle of the city, I got to see a little bit of the textile museum, I tried ceviche, visited an artisan shop, ended the day with delicious gelato and sitting in the park watching this adorable little boy dance to a guitarists music. It was an amazing day of site seeing. I was able to return home to Urabá with a clear head during this retreat ready to adjust and finish my last two months of my YAV year. Much Love, Hannah


Yasmin's Maracuyá Dessert

Maracuyá is a tart tropical fruit that can be substitutes by the passion fruit.

Ingredients: Approximately 13 servings

  • 1 pound of maracuyá pulp

  • 1 large can (12 oz.) of condensed milk

  • 1 large can (12 oz.) of milk cream

  • 1/2 cup of milk

  • 1 package of unflavored gelatin

  • Sweet cookies (like graham crackers)

  • 2 Maracuyá

  • 3 tablespoons of Sugar

  • 1/2 a teaspoon of cornstarch

  • Individual containers or large dish to pour dessert into

  • Cinnamon


  1. Blend the passion fruit pulp in with half a of your pitcher (apprx. 50 ml) filled with water and blend until the juice remains without the seed.

  2. Blend passion fruit juice, condensed milk, cream and milk until a smooth cream is left.

  3. Dissolve the unflavored gelatin in hot water. Then incorporated the gelatin into the mixture (passion fruit juice, cream and milk).

  4. Place the cookies in the bottom of your container, and then pour the mixture ontop. Allow to cool overnight in refrigerator

For a topping you will prepare a maracuyá sauce:

  1. Cook the pulp of the two maracuyá with over medium heat on the stove with 3 tablespoons of sugar, 1/2 a pitcher of water (apprx. 50 ml) and 1/2 a teaspoon of cornstarch (dissolve the cornstarch before you add it in to the mixture).

  2. If you want, you can also add cinnamon and let it boil until it thickens.


Postre de Maracuyá de Yasmin


  • 1 libra de pulpa de maracuyá

  • 1 lata grande de leche condensada

  • 1 lata grande de crema de leche

  • 1/2 taza de leche

  • 1 sobre de gelatina sin sabor

  • Galletas dulces

  • 2 Maracuyá

  • 3 cucharadas de azúcar

  • ½ cucharada de fécula de maíz disuelta

  • Moldes para el postre

  • Canela

Pasos de preparación:

  1. Licuar la pulpa de maracuyá con medio pocillo de agua y pasar por un colador varias veces para que solo quede el jugo sin la semilla.

  2. Licuar el jugo de maracuyá, la leche condensada, la crema de leche y la leche hasta que quede una crema homogénea.

  3. Se prepara la gelatina sin sabor disuelta en agua caliente.

  4. Luego se incorpora la gelatina a la mezcla (jugo de maracuyá, crema de leche y la leche).

  5. Luego se ponen las galletas en el fondo de un recipiente, y se vierte la mezcla. Se deja refrigerar durante la noche.

Para decorar el postre se puede preparar una salsa de maracuyá.

  1. Se cocina la pulpa de dos maracuyá sin licuar con 3 cucharadas de azúcar, medio pocillo de agua y ½ cucharada de fécula de maíz disuelta antes de adicionarla.

  2. Si desea puede agregar canela y de dejar hervir hasta que espese.

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